TELLSI & Golestan University Present

International Symposium on Discourse Analysis and Pragmatics

International Symposium on Discourse Analysis and Pragmatics
TELLSI Discourse Analysis and Pragmatics SIG holds an international symposium. Hosted by Golestan University and TELLSI Golestan branch, the event is scheduled for February 12, 2021 (Bahman 24, 1399). Five local and international scholars are invited to present in this symposium on the topics in the field of second language discourse analysis and pragmatics. Dr. Dariush Izadi (Western Sydny University, Australia), Prof. Alireza Jalilifar (Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iran), Prof. Zia Tajeddin (Tarbiat Modares University, Iran), Dr. Hamid Allami (Tarbiat Modares University, Iran), and Prof. Marta Gonzalez-Lloret (University of Hawai'i, USA) present in the symposium.  

Registration procedure:

1. Registration fee: 300,000 Rls for TELLSI members; 600,000 Rls for others (a certificate of attendance will be issued for all attendees). [In case you are not an active TELLSI member, please transfer your membership fee to the same card number below and send the receipt to <>. This way you can have discounts on all the events hosted by TELLSI during a year]. 

2. Registration time: Bahman 15 to Bahman 22 

3. Bank card number: The fee should be transferred to bank card number 6037-9918-9999-1818.

 All receipts should be emailed to <>.

 TELLSI members should also cc the email to <>.

4. Email content: Please provide the following information:

First name (in English):
Last name (in English):
Cell-phone number:
National (Melli) card number:

5. Inquiries about the webinar:  +989115109470 on WhatsApp.

6. Symposium update: Updates on the symposium are sent via TELLSI WhatsApp channel and Instagram page, and TELLSI website

Link to Symposium: Here
Feb 3, 2021 20:24
Number of visit : 4,057


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