During TELLSI18 Conference

Two Ceremonies in Honor of Prof. Farhady and Prof. Ziahosseiny + Videos

Two Ceremonies in Honor of Prof. Farhady and Prof. Ziahosseiny + Videos

Two ceremonies were held during the 18th international TELLSI Conference (2021) co-hosted by Tarbiat Modares University and Islamic Azad University West Tehran Branch. These ceremonies were held in honor of the outstanding contributions and lifelong academic achievements of two distinguished professors, Prof. Hossein Farhady and Prof. Seyed Mohammad Ziahosseiny. The video files of the ceremonies are available below: 


1) Prof. Hossein Farhady 


2) Prof. Seyed Mohammad Ziahosseiny

Jan 21, 2022 21:52
Number of visit : 2,048


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