TELLSI18 call for abstract

TELLSI18 call for abstract


The organizing committee announced the TELLSI18 call for abstract.

The organizing committee welcomes abstract submission for the 18th International TELLSI conference, to be held online by Tarbiat Modares University and Islamic Azad University, West Tehran Branch, on December 7-9, 2021, in Tehran, Iran. The leading theme of the conference is “Enacting English as an International Language (EIL) in Teacher Education and Language Instruction” However, abstracts for presentations can be focused on all areas of applied linguistics, English literature, and English translation, including, but not limited to, the following strands:
  • EIL teacher education
  • EIL language instruction
  • EIL language assessment
  • Intercultural language education
  • L2 pragmatics education
  • Heritage language education
  • EMI and CLIL
  • ESP and EAP
  • Decoloniality in language education
  • Classroom discourse in language education
  • Language education policy, planning, and program evaluation
  • Teacher professional development and quality assessment
  • Technology-enhanced language education
  • Translation as Intercultural communication
  • Translation for social media
  • Translation and localization
  • EIL-aware translator education
  • Postmodernism and English literature
  • Postcolonialism and English literature
  • Good and evil in English literature
  • Religion in English literature
  • Gender in English literature

The language of abstracts and presentations in English and presentations should be planned for 20 minutes. Presenters should submit a structured abstract in 250-300 words in which separate sections are allocated to Background, Purpose, Method, Results, and Conclusion. The conference accepts abstracts for completed studies not research in progress. 

All abstracts should be sent online through the registering on  the conference website Click here. Final acceptance of an abstract is conditioned by the presenter’s TELLSI membership registration.

Important dates:

Abstract submission deadline: August 20, 2021 
Notification of abstract acceptance/rejection: October 10, 2021
Early bird registration for attendance: October 10, 2021
Conference date: December 7-9, 2021
Aug 7, 2021 15:26
Number of visit : 3,710


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